Table of Contents

A chronological list of all publications on this site

Private AI with Ollama

Aug 2024. Use Ollama and open source model to run private generative AI and use it offline.

Do you want to take full advantage of generative AI but are wary of sharing your private information with companies like Open AI, Google, or Microsoft? There is a way out: Use your personal computer and open-source software. Continue...

Web 2.9

Jul 2024. Proposed design for a subnet of original content.

Are you tired of scrolling through floating squares of annoying pictures and sales slogans to find the information you need? Continue...

Documentation as a Code

Oct 2018. Embrace DaaC, or why you should forget about *Office.

Documentation is an integral part of any project. No matter how agile you are, you must explain what you are doing. Continue...

Business to Architecture Traceability (B2AT)

Feb 2012. How do you estimate effort for a large and complex software engineering project?

Business-to-architecture traceability (B2AT) is a methodology for linking functional goals to technical components. It works for both waterfall and agile development processes. Continue...

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